Ukraine in World War 2

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During the Second World War, Ukraine lost more people than the combined losses of Great Britain, Canada, Poland, the USA and France. The total Ukrainian losses during the war is an estimated 8-10 million lives. The number of Ukrainian victims can be compared to the modern population of Austria.

The Ukrainians in the Transcarpathia were the first during the interwar period, who in March 1939 did ...

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During the Second World War, Ukraine lost more people than the combined losses of Great Britain, Canada, Poland, the USA and France. The total Ukrainian losses during the war is an estimated 8-10 million lives. The number of Ukrainian victims can be compared to the modern population of Austria.

The Ukrainians in the Transcarpathia were the first during the interwar period, who in March 1939 did ...

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  • Видавець: К.І.С.
  • Мова продукту: English
  • Age Limit: 0
  • Формати: epub

