Black Beauty


The novel «Black Beauty» by the English writer Anna Sewell (1820–1878) is dedicated to a thoroughbred horse. However, this story is told to readers by the animal itself. The horse’s story is full of amazing adventures and exciting events that happened to him over the years of serving people. After reading this book, you will learn to better understand these noble animals.

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The novel «Black Beauty» by the English writer Anna Sewell (1820–1878) is dedicated to a thoroughbred horse. However, this story is told to readers by the animal itself. The horse’s story is full of amazing adventures and exciting events that happened to him over the years of serving people. After reading this book, you will learn to better understand these noble animals.

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Стежити за автором


  • ISBN: 978-966-03-9697-5
  • Кількість сторінок: 211
  • Видавець: Фоліо
  • Мова продукту: English
  • Formats: epub, pdf

