Chronicle of the War. 2014—2020: in 3 vol. Vol. 3. Five years of hybrid war


”Chronicle of the War” is a documentary study, a memorial record of the events of 2014—2020 in Ukraine — from the final stage of the Maidan to the present day. The purpose of writing the book was to rethink recent history, to recall the chronology of events that led to the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation and the beginning of the hybrid armed military aggression of the Russian Federa...

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”Chronicle of the War” is a documentary study, a memorial record of the events of 2014—2020 in Ukraine — from the final stage of the Maidan to the present day. The purpose of writing the book was to rethink recent history, to recall the chronology of events that led to the annexation of Crimea by the Russian Federation and the beginning of the hybrid armed military aggression of the Russian Federa...

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Стежити за автором


  • ISBN: 978-966-03-9938-9
  • Кількість сторінок: 480
  • Видавець: Фоліо
  • Перекладач: Лесь Герасимчук, Ганна Крапівник, Юлія Луговська, Микола Дем’янов
  • Мова продукту: English
  • Age Limit: 0
  • Формати: pdf

