Heroic cities of Bucha, Irpin, Hostomel


There shouldn’t be this book at all. Because there shouldn’t have been this war at all. But on February 24, Ukraine woke up at dawn from the sounds of explosions, and a convoy of Russian militaryvehicles crashed our past life with their grousers. The war has become our new reality, and air alarms become our everyday life. Bucha and Irpin have ceased to be associated with forests, sanatoriums and c...

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There shouldn’t be this book at all. Because there shouldn’t have been this war at all. But on February 24, Ukraine woke up at dawn from the sounds of explosions, and a convoy of Russian militaryvehicles crashed our past life with their grousers. The war has become our new reality, and air alarms become our everyday life. Bucha and Irpin have ceased to be associated with forests, sanatoriums and c...

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Стежити за автором


  • ISBN: 978-617-551-281-4
  • Кількість сторінок: 224
  • Видавець: Фоліо
  • Перекладач: Микола Дем’янов
  • Мова продукту: Українська
  • Formats: epub, pdf

