The Celestial Hundred


This book is a requiem. It is a tribute to those participants in the Revolution of Dignity who gave their hearts' blood so that Ukraine and all of us Ukrainians could raise from our knees. So that we could start to change our country, and our posterity could have a chance to live in a new Ukraine.

The characters of this book are ordinary people from all over this country who come from all walks of ...

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This book is a requiem. It is a tribute to those participants in the Revolution of Dignity who gave their hearts' blood so that Ukraine and all of us Ukrainians could raise from our knees. So that we could start to change our country, and our posterity could have a chance to live in a new Ukraine.

The characters of this book are ordinary people from all over this country who come from all walks of ...

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Стежити за автором


  • ISBN: 978-966-03-8443-9
  • Кількість сторінок: 208
  • Видавець: Фоліо
  • Мова продукту: English
  • Formats: epub

