The Land of Mist is a science fiction novel by Arthur Conan Doyle (1859—1930) from the Professor Challenger series. Its plot revolves mainly around the professor’s daughter Enid and his old friend, the reporter Edward Malone, who happened to get in touch with the secret of the life beyond. Nevertheless, an unexpected obstacle ruins their plans...
«Країна туманів» — науково-фантастичний роман Артур...
The Land of Mist is a science fiction novel by Arthur Conan Doyle (1859—1930) from the Professor Challenger series. Its plot revolves mainly around the professor’s daughter Enid and his old friend, the reporter Edward Malone, who happened to get in touch with the secret of the life beyond. Nevertheless, an unexpected obstacle ruins their plans...
«Країна туманів» — науково-фантастичний роман Артур...