The second volume of Scotland Yard Book by the English writer Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) offers the thriller novel Black, which was first published in 1926, and two short stories. Black is a mysterious story about a Londoner named James Morelake, who has many secrets and an interesting set of skills.
У другому томі «Книги Скотленд Ярду» англійського письменника Едгара Воллеса (1875-1932) пропонуєть...
The second volume of Scotland Yard Book by the English writer Edgar Wallace (1875-1932) offers the thriller novel Black, which was first published in 1926, and two short stories. Black is a mysterious story about a Londoner named James Morelake, who has many secrets and an interesting set of skills.
У другому томі «Книги Скотленд Ярду» англійського письменника Едгара Воллеса (1875-1932) пропонуєть...